sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Whiteboard Animation Videos - Imagine, Engage and Memorise

Most of us learn (take on information) more easily when that information is presented to us visually. This has been proven in the classroom over and over again: And in fact, whiteboard videos have been used to teach children, adults and employees for many years (although the current style has changed somewhat). UPS whiteboard commercials were the first to hit television screens: A major brand that could afford the expense of what was a comparatively long-winded process back then. Always a versatile media, with today's advanced technology, whiteboard animation is far more economical than it was in yester-years. Today even small businesses can afford to get animated.

So Simple...

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a sound whiteboard animation video is worth just as much. Whiteboard videos can be used to visually explain a broad spectrum of concepts (company policy, products, software and technical demonstrations for example) in an entertaining and so engaging way. They are also referred to as "video scribing", "fast hand drawing" and "sketch cartoon" videos. While a little dated now the UPS videos remain excellent examples of what can be achieved with whiteboard animation. Indeed, the UPS man standing in front of a big whiteboard scribbling away with his marker is still legendary. The sketches were so simple too: A UPS truck becomes a UPS Plane and a UPS box becomes a computer tracking those shipments etc. So straightforward - which is exactly how this relaxed and uncomplicated video successfully managed to get across this company's services in seconds - and it could do the exact same for your company's services and products.

Just Another Option?

Without doubt, there are many different ways to get a company's message across. However, despite the flexibility and success of whiteboard animation the power of it has yet to be "discovered" by many small businesses - Maybe the huge success of UPS has them believing this is for "big business" only. The fact is, that simply is not true. The word "viral traffic" is all the rage right now and it is (essentially) free traffic. A whiteboard animation can improve overall brand recognition as well as get "the" message across: As UPS has proven, make it good and you make it memorable: Make it memorable and people will (and do) pass it on - Surely that has to be a sound marketing move.

Whiteboard animation can turn the task of complex ideas and text into an enlivened experience. The general public are bombarded with media day in and day out (hence, they have become a tad "thick skinned" in the twenty-first century. The whiteboard represents a fairly new approach within the world of digital marketing. Therefore a little more interesting -and people love interesting!

You should consider using a professional whiteboard animation company to hold the attention of prospective buyers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Neej_Amb

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