sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

How Whiteboard Animation Videos Are Created

Whiteboard animation is the new upcoming thing in today's video marketing world. Just to make this very clear whiteboard animation and video scribing are one in the same thing. When we first came into the business nobody knew the right words to search for but now since we have created sites to pick up many different keywords it is a little easier to find whiteboard animation companies. I have had some clients tell me they had been searching for months on different search engines to try and locate a video scribing company. They were just searching the wrong terms. Lets get back to the topic. How do you create a Whiteboard Animation Video? It is simple but at the same time it can become very time consuming and complicated.

1. Script: It all starts with a powerful script. The reason for video scribing becoming what it is today was the script written by Ken Robinson. He did a presentation on TEDx a couple of years ago and it was put into a whiteboard animation. 'Changing Education Paradigm Shift" was powerful and created a lot of buzz. It all starts with the script.

2. Storyboard and Layout: Once a script is perfected the next step is create a fantastic storyboard. This is the part in whiteboard animation where you get creative and put pictures to the script. It can take 2 weeks or 6 months. It all depends on how complicated you want the drawings.

3. Voice Recording: You get a professional voice to record your script. Many people like to record their own but we highly recommend getting a professional. They are worth the money!

4. Recording and Final Production: Once the script and the storyboard are completed the final production begins. This is the part where you record the artist drawing his layout. Once that is completed you send it over to the video production crew and let them put it all together.

There you have it a couple of simple steps on how to create a whiteboard animation video. Obviously it is a little more complicated when you start to create professional videos, but the steps are the same. When creating a whiteboard animation video remember to keep it simple. Einstein said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Start with the most powerful script you can create then work down from there. Good luck and look for future articles about how you can create even more powerful whiteboard animation videos.


Fore more information click on links video scribing, contact us for whiteboard animation. Jace Vernon is the co-founder of http://www.ydraw.com. Jace Vernon takes care of the day to day tasks of keeping Ydraw pumping. He does have a couple of degrees that say he is good in business, but his real education has come from the school of hard Knox. Jace's greatest accomplishments have been dunking a basketball, getting a hole-in-one, reading 150 business books in a year, and winning the football city league. He has triumphed, conquered, and failed in business endeavors which have created some great building blocks for Ydraw.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jace_Vernon

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