sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Best 3D Animation Software

When I was a boy, animation was a particularly slow and painful process. I'm probably showing my age now. There was no such thing then as the 'best 3D animation software'. There was NO animation software - full stop!

The process depended on many factors. Firstly, it was necessary to have a small garage-full of equipment. Camera (usually an 8mm film camera) with the facility to shoot 1 frame at a time. At least 2 mounted lights. A flat wooden set piece on which to mount the scenery and characters (in my case usually made of pipe cleaners and plasticine).

Once you had acquired all of the equipment (which back then was also very pricey) you then needed the patience of a saint. Once you'd actually created your sets and characters then the filming could commence. You would move your character minimally and then take a single frame shot for each slight movement. A 30 second piece of film could take days. Can you imagine then how patient the makers of Wallace and Gromit must be!

Well, speaking of Wallace and Gromit and other Aardman productions, it is interesting that the old stop motion animation is kept fondly alive still. However, the overall popularity in animation now is predominantly in 3D animation, which flies out of the big screens with increasingly impressive realism.

Ever since Toy Story hit the screens many years back, 3D animation software-generated movies have never left the cinemas.

Now, everyone can afford the best 3D animation software

Years ago it would have been impossible to purchase the best 3D animation software for less than thousands of pounds. Technology has excelled at an unbelievable pace and now 3D animation software prices have become affordable for virtually everyone who owns a computer. It is now possible to create 3D animations as a hobby or even as a profession because the tools are so affordable.

There are many 3D animation products out there in the marketplace and some of the prices now are quite simply incredible.

Best is not always best!

A word of warning! Just because a piece of software is excellent and being sold at a reasonably affordable price doesn't mean to say that it is the best 3D animation software to start with. The main reason being that some 3D animation software is incredibly complex to use. Without prior experience and some form of decent tutorial videos, the average Joe will probably sit frustratingly at their Mac or PC wondering just how to start.

If you are a novice, then it is advisable to first purchase the best 3D animation software package you can find for a low price but which has plenty of tutorial and tips pages as part of the package. It is now possible to buy software that is incredibly affordable and comes bundled with great video tutorials. You really need to exercise a bit of patience in those early days of learning.

If you get a bit restless, then just remember those old animators (like me) who used to take individual frames for days on end just for a few seconds of the finished movie.

Once you have mastered the basics of 3D animation then you can then upgrade to a more expensive and professional 3D animation software titles. The best 3D animation software is out there and is affordable. Just don't try to run before you can walk! Buy something cheaper and more intuitive first as part of your apprenticeship. Your patience will eventually be rewarded.

[http://www.best3Danimationsoftware.net] has reviews of some of the best beginner and professional 3d animation software programs currently available on the internet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_C_Adams

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